81 pages 2 hours read

Leon Leyson

The Boy On The Wooden Box

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Middle Grade | Published in 2013

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Summary

As Leon enters the new Emalia factory, he feels heartened by the more hospitable surroundings. He and Chanah reunite with Moshe and David. They discover that Pesza is still alive, but they do not know the whereabouts of Hershel or Tsalig.

Leon and David work the night shift at machines that manufacture war material, including casings for bombs. Leon gets to know Schindler when he makes the rounds of the workspace and strikes up friendly conversations with the employees. Schindler seems to take special pride in the work of Leon and his family. After a period of time, Leon is promoted to a more advanced section of the factory, and his food rations are increased; Schindler also leaves small gifts with Moshe which he can trade for food.

As the Soviet army advances, the Germans realize they are losing the war and decide to close down Schindler’s factory. As the Jewish employees are lined up about to be sent back to Płaszów, Leon speaks up and begs Schindler to take them back to work at the new Emalia factory, which he plans to rebuild in Czechoslovakia. Schindler sees to it that Chanah also gets to work at the new factory.