86 pages 2 hours read

T. J. Klune

The House in the Cerulean Sea

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Character Analysis

Linus Baker

Linus is the protagonist of this novel. As the narrative utilizes a limited third-person perspective, the reader’s understanding of the world of the novel is filtered through him. As such, Linus’s compassion, courage, and journey to overcome feelings of worthlessness and a lack of belonging are at the forefront of the story. Compassion is perhaps the most emphasized and developed aspect of Linus as a character. Though the people of EUM choose him to go to the orphanage for the reliable objectivity he demonstrates in his reports, they likely did not see or acknowledge the degree to which Linus can empathize with others. The reader is aware of this aspect of his character after the opening scene in the orphanage, in which Linus is kind and gentle with the young telekinetic girl; his reassurance and belief that she did not intend to hurt anyone reflect an ability to see the good in the people around him. The brief references to his own upbringing suggest that the source of his compassion may at least partially be his feelings of worthlessness and distance from other people. As someone who feels he exists on the fringes, it is likely easier for Linus to feel compassion for people who are similarly positioned.