85 pages 2 hours read

Moises Kaufman

The Laramie Project

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 2001

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer Questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following sentiments do the people of Laramie express about their city?

A) Betrayal

B) Shame

C) Apathy

D) Pride

2. Which of the following phrases best describes the employment opportunities in Wyoming?

A) Primarily minimum wage

B) Mostly academic

C) Considerably high wage

D) Predominantly freelancer

3. Which of the following statements appears throughout the script?

A) That Laramie is a particularly anti-LGBTQ+ town

B) That gay people were killed on a regular basis in Wyoming

C) That there was not a single gay person in Laramie before Matthew arrived

D) That most people in Wyoming did not care about sexual orientation

4. Which of the following words best describes the religious landscape of Laramie?

A) Accepting

B) Uniform

C) Polytheistic

D) Diverse

5. Which of the following sentences best summarizes the placement of the “McKinney and Henderson” Moment within the play?

A) It problematizes the information shared in the Moment before.

B) It extrapolates the evilness of the perpetrators.

C) It exemplifies the need for the death penalty.

D) It provides a flashback to the perpetrators’ childhoods.

6. Which of the following words describes the atmosphere of the arraignment?

A) Chaotic

B) Violent

C) Proud

D) Solemn

7. Which of the following phrases reappears frequently throughout the play?