59 pages 1 hour read

Franz Kafka

The Metamorphosis

Fiction | Novella | Adult | Published in 1915

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Essay Topics


What effect does Gregor’s metamorphosis have on his family, individually and as a whole? What does this effect suggest about his relationship with his family?


The German word Ungeziefer, which has been translated to “vermin” in English, derives from a Middle High German word meaning “an unclean animal not suited for sacrifice.” What meaning do you think this word conveys about the nature of Gregor’s metamorphosis? Do you think that his death can be seen as a sacrifice in any sense? Explain why or why not.


Why and how did Gregor become “vermin” (3)? Did Gregor deserve to be turned into a bug? Do you think his transformation is a literal one, or a purely symbolic one?