54 pages 1 hour read

The Yearling

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1938

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Chapters 11-17Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary

Content Warning: The Chapter 17 Summary includes child death.

May is fawning season, and Jody begs his mother to keep one as a pet, but she asserts that they barely have enough food for themselves. Penny takes Jody hunting the next day to trade a deer in Volusia on their way to visit Grandma Hutto. Jody proudly carries Penny’s old gun and his new raccoon knapsack, and is happy that Julia is well enough to tag along. Penny uses hoof prints to explain how to track a deer and tell a doe from a buck. They see bear tracks and bear scratches on the trees. Two bear cubs are swinging in the trees, and Jody begs to catch one and keep it as a pet, but Penny says Ora will never allow it. Penny says his family was too poor to have pets when he was young, but Jody counters that a bear cub would hunt its own food. The former retorts, “Yes—offen your Ma’s chickens” (109).

Jody hides in the foliage and waits for a fawn, while Penny tracks what he thinks is a pair of large bucks. The former sees a fawn crying for its mother and watches it nurse, but the doe smells him and runs away, leaving her baby. Penny explains that the doe abandoned the fawn temporarily to preserve her safety. Jody is enchanted by the small, spotted fawn and dreams of catching it. Penny tasks Jody with looking for the bucks from a tree, while he waits on the ground. Jody enjoys the view and makes the tree sway, pretending to be a bear cub. He sees a buck and takes a shot, but immediately knows he aimed too high, and Penny delivers the kill shot. Jody scrambles down the tree and sees his father already at work, dressing the animal and explaining what the former did wrong. Jody doesn’t like the sight of the dead deer, but is proud of his accomplishment and plans to give the hide to Grandma Hutto. Penny teases Jody about giving the hide to his sweetheart Eulalie, with whom he once held hands, but the latter embarrassingly asserts he only did so as a game.

Penny trusses the deer carcass and carries it out of the woods on his back. He and Jody cross St. John’s River on a ferry raft to Mr. Boyles’s store in Volusia. Penny butchers the deer and negotiates a price with Mr. Boyles, while Jody eyes all the food and supplies in the store. Mr. Boyles offers Jody something from his case, and the latter politely chooses a harmonica. The former comments on Jody’s good manners, but Penny worries that he spoils his son since he lost his other children. Eulalie, Mr. Boyles’s niece, enters the store and sticks her tongue out at Jody, and pinches her nose to signal that he smells. Without thinking, Jody throws a potato at her. Penny makes Jody return the harmonica and apologizes for his behavior. Later, Penny teaches him that even though Eulalie angered him, he must learn to properly interact with women.

Grandma Hutto’s riverside home is surrounded by a beautiful garden. She welcomes Penny and Jody despite them being filthy. She’s described as different from Ora; the latter didn’t enjoy living with her while Penny was away at war. Grandma Hutto lends Penny clothes that once belonged to her late husband, and Jody wears her son Oliver’s clothes since he’s at sea. Jody plays with Grandma Hutto’s dog Fluff, and they all enjoy a delicious meal. Easy Ozell arrives to help with the evening chores. He’s in love with Grandma Hutto, but she only pities him. Easy fought for the Union, and he and Penny talk about the Confederate victory at Bull Run. Penny teases Grandma Hutto about Easy, and Jody tells her what Lem Forrester said about Twink (Oliver’s love)—but she assures him that they’ll resolve it when Oliver returns home. In bed, Penny asks Jody if he would enjoy living with Grandma Hutto, but the latter says he’d miss home and would rather she came to live with them on Baxter’s Island.

Chapter 12 Summary

Jody awakens to the sound of a ship, and he knows Oliver has returned home. He jumps out of bed and runs naked to greet Oliver, and Grandma Hutto takes her shawl and wraps it around Jody’s waist. Oliver’s ears are pierced, and Grandma Hutto removes the gold hoops from his earlobes. He tells stories from his time at sea and distributes gifts he brought for everyone—including silk for his mother, tobacco from Turkey for Penny, and a knife for Jody. Jody decides to tell Oliver that Lem Forrester claimed Twink as his love, but the latter brushes it off, saying that the Forresters often lie. Jody asks Grandma Hutto if Oliver has always been handsome, but Penny says he wasn’t when he was younger. Oliver says Jody will be handsome one day, and Penny takes the opportunity to tease Jody about Eulalie again. Jody claims he hates girls, which prompts Grandma Hutto to comment that Ora doesn’t appreciate Penny.

Oliver leaves to visit Twink, and Jody is angry that he left so soon. Later, Easy Ozell arrives in a panic, looking for Penny because Lem Forrester and two of his brothers are fighting Oliver, and Easy worries they’ll kill him. As Jody follows Penny, he feels conflicted about whom to support, being loyal to Oliver but not wanting to damage his friendship with the Forresters (especially Fodder-wing). As Twink watches the fight from the sidelines, clutching her handkerchief, Jody thinks she’s not pretty enough for men to fight over. Penny intervenes, telling Lem that it isn’t fair for three men to fight against one. Lem claims Oliver started the fight and refuses to back down, but Oliver asserts that Lem said something disparaging about him and Twink. The former punches Oliver and knocks him out, drawing Penny into the mele. His father’s courage compels Jody to jump in and bite Lem; Lem throws Jody off, and the latter hits the ground and loses consciousness.

Chapter 13 Summary

Jody thinks he dreamed up the fight, until he moves and feels pain in his neck and shoulder. Grandma Hutto watches over him and Penny, who has a black eye and a minor wrist injury. She says Oliver will be fine, and that his pride was the most hurt in the fight. She tries to blame Twink for the fight, but Penny asserts it was Lem and Oliver’s fault. Penny is proud of Jody for jumping in to defend him, but the fight likely ruined their friendship with the Forresters; Jody feels sick, thinking he can’t see Fodder-wing anymore. Jody is angry with Oliver for loving Twink and causing the fight; however, he resolves that he was right to fight for Oliver since he was outnumbered.

Oliver asks Jody to deliver a message to Twink that he’ll meet her on Tuesday, but Jody refuses, claiming he hates Twink; ultimately, he feels guilty and decides to help. After purchasing supplies at Boyles’s on their way home, Jody asks where he can find Twink to deliver the message, but Mr. Boyles says she left on a boat to Sanford. Jody is secretly happy and leaves Oliver a note with the news. On the journey home, Jody worries about his relationship with the Forresters and Fodder-wing.

Chapter 14 Summary

The family’s quail lays eggs and scuppernong vines are blooming, signs that the Baxter family will have decent food to eat soon. The family’s hogs are missing, and Penny fears that the Forresters have trapped them, so he and Jody track the hogs through the woods. Jody doesn’t want to fight the Forresters again, especially over food. Father and son follow a trail of horse hoof tracks and corn, signaling that someone baited the pigs. Penny sees traps and angrily quickens his pace to confront the Forresters, as a summer storm brews. Without warning, a rattlesnake strikes Penny in the arm. He shoots the snake, severs its head, and buries it in the ground, while Jody keeps the dogs safe. A doe appears, and Penny shoots it and cuts out her liver and heart to draw out the poison from his wound—but his arm begins to swell. Realizing he’s in danger, Penny tells Jody to tell the Forresters to send for Doc Wilson. Jody sees the slain doe has a fawn and begs his father to help, but Penny says there’s nothing they can do.

Terrified and still in shock, Jody approaches the Forrester property and yells for Fodder-wing. All the brothers appear on the porch and when Lem sees Jody, he curses at him. Fodder-wing is ill, and Lem refuses to help, but Mill-wheel says he’ll fetch the doctor and Buck will find Penny and take him home. Doc Wilson has alcoholism, and Buck hopes he’ll be sober enough to help. Jody remembers visiting Doc Wilson’s house once and seeing him passed out in his bed. He walks back home in a stupor as the winds pick up, and he wonders if his father is still alive. The storm intensifies, and Jody removes his soaked clothing and walks naked as the rain pelts his body and lighting cracks overhead. He hears movement and worries a panther might be stalking him; he pulls out his father’s rifle, but there are no bullets left in the gun.

At home, Buck and Mill-wheel wait by a fire, while Doc Wilson and Ora tend to Penny. Jody is relieved that his father is alive, but barely recognizes him with his swollen face. Though Penny’s fate is undecided, Jody reflects on his father surviving for as long as he has and tells Doc Wilson that “Us Baxters is all runty and tough” (164). Ora brings warm milk for Penny, but he only takes a small sip; Jody can’t eat, feeling like the snake poisoned him too. He sits by his father’s bed all night, replaying the day’s horrors in his mind and remembering the orphaned fawn. Jody sobs, lamenting the injustice of it all.

Chapter 15 Summary

Jody has a nightmare about a giant snake, but his father survives the night. Ora is worried about how she and Jody will survive while Penny recovers. Buck offers to help with the corn crop and Doc Wilson refuses payment, so Jody gifts him his raccoon knapsack. Ora prepares breakfast for everyone, ashamed that she doesn’t have enough food. Jody asks Penny if he can go look for the fawn, and Penny says he can’t refuse his son’s request after what they went through. Mill-wheel offers to take Jody on horseback to search for it; Ora protests but everyone, including the doctor, thinks Jody should be allowed to adopt the fawn.

During the ride into the woods, Mill-wheel tells Jody that he had no idea his family was struggling to make ends meet. He promises to have the family’s pigs returned, and to have his family help out while Penny recovers. He explains that Fodder-wing is unlike the rest of the Forresters, as he’s physically weak and sees strange visions. Mill-wheel and Jody discuss the fight over Twink, and Mill-wheel says he’s courting a widow and doesn’t understand Oliver and Lem’s obsession with the girl.

Jody asks Mill-wheel to leave him to search for the fawn alone. After he finds the doe’s carcass, he follows the fawn’s delicate tracks to a nest. Jody lightly touches the fawn’s face and carries it as far as he can until his arms grow tired. He takes the fawn to Penny’s bedside, and Penny is proud of his son for rescuing it. Jody wants to choose a special name for the fawn, and Buck suggests Fodder-wing can help him. The former prepares milk and feeds the fawn by hand until it learns to drink from a bowl. For the rest of the day, Jody is extra helpful around the house to assuage his mother’s anger over his new pet. Buck finishes plowing and Ora serves the midday meal, apologizing for the meager rations. Jody takes his food out to the barn and eats near his fawn, happily nestling into its soft fur.

Chapter 16 Summary

Buck works in the fields while Jody cares for his fawn. Penny is improving but remains weak and nauseated, and his arm is still swollen. Ora and Jody acclimate to Buck’s large presence in the house, as he often goes shirtless and eats a lot of food. Buck says his family isn’t skilled at farming, but suggests the Baxters plant sugar cane to bring a profit and offers to help plow the land. Ora tells Jody to watch and learn because he’ll have to pick up the slack when Buck leaves. Jody and Buck find a bee nest in a dead tree near the sinkhole and harvest a washtub full of honey, while making plans to hunt the foxes that are eating the corn crop.

Buck is anxious to get home and check on Fodder-wing, whom he fears isn’t doing well. He and Penny laugh about the useless hunting dog that the latter traded to Lem and share stories about other infamous dogs. Buck tells Jody about his Uncle Cotton whose red hair caught on fire. Penny hopes the Forresters hold no ill will toward him over the fight. Buck explains that only Lem is holding a grudge, but “[…] blood’s thicker’n water” (196), and this is why he joined the fight. Later, Buck and Jody kill two foxes using Penny’s new rifle. At home, Ora and Penny fend off a bear without a rifle. Buck drops the bear with one shot, and he and Penny dress the animal while Jody anxiously checks his fawn. The former asks for some of the bear fat as his share, and Ora offers the bear’s liver to help strengthen Fodder-wing. At night, Jody slips outside and brings his fawn into the house to keep it safe from predators.

Chapter 17 Summary

Once Buck leaves, Jody takes over most of the farm work. The fawn grows, and Ora mostly ignores it until it eats a full bowl of cornbread batter and disturbs Jody when he should be working. Ora says he can’t visit Fodder-wing to show him the fawn until he finishes hoeing the sweet potatoes. Penny notices Jody’s effort, and says he’ll finish the hoeing if Jody collects their water since the journey to the sinkhole is currently too much for him. Jody happily agrees and lingers as he and the fawn lap from the water. He tells the deer that one day, he’ll build a cabin there for them. To prove his strength, Jody fills his buckets to the top, but they’re too heavy for his small frame, and he must empty some of the water to complete the journey home.

Ora cooks some of the leftover bear meat for dinner and explains that male bear meat is often inedible, especially if the bears are shot during mating season because the surge of anger and hormones taints their meat. Jody compares this behavior to Oliver and Lem fighting over Twink, but Penny says bears are worse because they’ll sometimes eat their young. The former fashions a leash for his fawn and walks to the Forresters. He sees two male bears walking upright and fighting: “[…] for all men were not privileged to see the creatures in their private moments” (211). The fawn scampers away to safety, and Jody is anxious to get to Fodder-wing and tell his bear tale.

When Jody calls out for Fodder-wing, only Buck appears and says Fodder-wing is dead. All the Forrester men are sitting silent, while Ma Forrester is in the room with Fodder-wing’s body, sobbing into her apron as she laments God’s cruelty for taking her son. Jody speaks to Fodder-wing and then buries his head in Buck’s chest to hide his grief. Pa Forrester says that even though Fodder-wing couldn’t help around the homestead like his brothers, they still grieve him. Jody checks on Fodder-wing’s pets and gives them food and water, weeping at the loss of his friend. Jody’s fawn returns, and Ma Forrester tells him that Fodder-wing had selected the name Flag for the deer. Jody plans to stay the night with Fodder-wing’s body, and brings Flag inside to sleep near him. Worried about his son, Penny rides to the Forresters’ and they ask him to stay the night so he can help bury Fodder-wing the next morning. He sits with the Forresters as they share their grief, and he shares the loss of his and Ora’s children.

The next morning, everyone helps bury Fodder-wing under an oak where he liked to play, and each family member tosses in a handful of dirt to fill the hole. Pa Forrester asks Penny to deliver the eulogy since he had a Christian upbringing. Jody offers a touching prayer, thanking God for giving them a unique person in Fodder-wing and asking that his friend be taken care of and given animals. As Penny and Jody leave, Buck gives Jody Fodder-wing’s red bird in remembrance of his friend. Later, Ora is angry that Penny and Jody were gone so long and shows little empathy for the Forresters’ loss. Penny scolds her for being callous and she responds, “Seems like bein’ hard is the only way I kin stand it” (224). He accedes but asks her to take it easy on Jody in his time of grief.

Chapters 11-17 Analysis

As the summer heat bears down on the land and its inhabitants, Jody endures several experiences that test his fortitude, loyalty, and courage—and permanently alter the course of his life. Jody’s trip to Volusia, his father’s near-fatal snakebite, and Fodder-wing’s death challenge Jody’s innocence as he becomes cognizant of men’s weakness and mortality (as per the theme of Coming of Age and the Journey from Innocence to Awareness). Firstly, the trip to Grandma Hutto’s gives Jody a chance to act like a man in helping his father hunt a deer and trade it at Boyles’s shop. Jody experiences another step in his coming of age when Penny teases him about his friendship with Eulalie, and he responds in typical adolescent fashion—expressing embarrassment laced with fury. Though he is maturing, his throwing a potato at Eulalie signals that Jody is still very much a child in many ways. His innocence is further displayed when Oliver fights with Lem over Twink. Just as Penny teaches Jody about the brutality of nature, the fight in Volusia opens Jody’s eyes to the reality of brutality among men. Jody reveres Oliver, but seeing him fight like an animal over a girl corrupts his childlike worship of the older boy. Jody’s innocence is further stripped away when he feels compelled to enter the fight to defend his father and even the score for the outnumbered Oliver. Penny is proud of Jody and sees his first fight as him entering manhood, but Jody still doesn’t understand the point of fighting over anything.  

Penny’s snakebite marks a turning point in the story. Until now, Jody has only witnessed the death of animals, which sickens him physically and emotionally, but seeing his father so close to death deeply affects him. His courage in Volusia is once again needed to save his father. Jody grows up almost in an instant as he trudges through the dangerous woods alone, approaches the Forresters to ask for help despite their conflict, and takes on more work around the home while his father is ill. However, the tragedy of the snakebite is tempered by the appearance of Jody’s fawn. Penny uses a doe’s liver and heart to save his life, leaving Jody feeling responsible for her fawn—and seeing the creature as a gift of fate. The fawn helps Jody recover from the trauma of seeing his father gravely ill and allows him to recover some of his childlike whimsy as he entertains the creature. Rawlings romanticizes the fawn as it appears almost fairylike, delicately prancing around the homestead and enchanting everyone but Ora.

For a few untroubled days, Penny recovers and Jody frolics with his fawn, but the news of Fodder-wing’s death brings an abrupt end to the peace. Jody literally faces death, as he sits with his best friend’s body all night while absorbing the collective grief of the Forresters. This moment symbolizes an epoch of Jody’s coming-of-age journey, as he experiences the pain of losing someone he loves for the first time.

Penny’s near-death experience and Fodder-wing’s death mark a crossroads in the relationship between the Baxter and Forrester families. Though Penny and Jody hold no ill will toward the Forresters, Ora maintains a vehement aversion to their personalities and lifestyle. After the fight in Volusia and the theft of the Baxters’ pigs, it appears that the families have reached an impasse, but Penny is determined to repair the neighborly relationship. Furthermore, after Penny’s snakebite, the Forresters don’t hesitate to help the Baxters; they show empathy by giving their time and resources to keep the homestead running while Penny recovers. The Baxters are forced to rely on the kindness of others, and Ora is humbled in accepting the help of a family whom she previously loathed. Penny’s ordeal goes a long way in solidifying the two families’ bond, but the death of Fodder-wing is what allows them to truly unite. Hearing the Forresters’ lament, Penny shows empathy in sharing his own story of losing several children. Despite having traded blows with some of the Forresters, Penny and Jody now help lay one of them to rest, linking the two families through hardship and loss. Ora maintains her criticism of the family, but when Penny chastises her for her lack of empathy, she briefly drops her tough veneer and reveals that her criticism was an act of self-preservation. Through the shared experience of the two families, the author highlights the importance of community. After the war, Penny thought he would be happiest living away from others, but realizes he needs others to survive and thrive in the wilderness.

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