45 pages 1 hour read

Cherrie Moraga, ed., Gloria Anzaldua, ed.

This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color

Nonfiction | Essay Collection | Adult

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Essay Topics


This Bridge Is Called My Back was first published in 1981, written shortly after the Vietnam War ended and just over a decade after the civil rights movement, two examples of an explosion of activism. Given this information, how do you think it would have been written differently today? What points may have changed since the initial publication of This Bridge Is Called My Back, and how has feminism as a movement evolved or stayed the same?


While issues of environmental rights were not a main focus of this text, pieces like Chrystos’s “No Rock Scorns Me as Whore” touch on nature and ecology in a Third World woman context. Using the Third World feminist lens of This Bridge Is Called My Back, how might one address the visibility and invisibility of Third World women in an ecological context?


While This Bridge Is Called My Back addresses the blindness to privilege in mainstream feminism of the era, issues of privilege and oppression continue to be topics of serious discussion in the United States.