94 pages 3 hours read

Ben Mikaelsen

Touching Spirit Bear

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2001

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Character Analysis


Cole is the protagonist of the novel. He undergoes a massive character arc, experiencing great spiritual healing when he is banished to an island after severely injuring Peter, a schoolmate. Cole begins his journey at odds with the world, feeling that his conflict is with others rather than within himself. He does not trust anyone, blames his parents and Peter for his situation, and lies to make others believe he wants to change. Cole’s father is violently abusive towards him, and his mother has never stood up for Cole. Cole compartmentalizes this trauma and then projects it out into the world. Cole is even suspicious of Garvey, the probation officer and Tlingit man who has figuratively adopted him, thinking Garvey must have some sort of selfish angle. He cannot imagine someone just wanting to help him. The first time Cole goes to the island, he has “no intention of ever honoring the contract he agreed to during the Circle Justice meetings” (10). He sees the whole event as a punishment and an abandonment, and it makes him angrier than ever.

When Cole first reaches the island, he burns down the shelter Edwin built for him in a failed symbolic attempt to burn down his past.