
93 pages 3 hours read

Margaret Peterson Haddix


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Answer Key

Answer key citations refer to the 2007 edition of the novel published by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.

Pages 1-69

Reading Check

1. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory (“Mrs. Livingston,” 1-5)

2. Rahel (“Yetta,” 32-38)

Short Answer

1. He believes that Signora Luciano would cheat Bella and that Bella can make more money at the Shirtwaist Factory. (“Bella,” 7-31)

2. They act like she has said something impolite and dismiss the idea that people without money might have thoughtful ideas. (“Jane,” 38-43)

3. Rahel believes that Bella might marry Pietro and stop working, so there is no reason for her to support the union. (“Yetta” 58-62)

Pages 70-121

Reading Check

1. Yiddish (“Yetta,” 80-90)

2. a phonograph (“Bella,” 95-102)

Short Answer

1. She wants him to send the money home to Italy for her. She cannot do it herself because of her limited English skills. (“Bella,” 79-79)

2. Jane feels that her life is limited to just watching things happen instead of fully participating in life. (“Jane,” 91-94)

3. Yetta explains about the scab labor that is keeping the larger factories operating and how this will prolong the strike for some workers.

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