
102 pages 3 hours read

Delia Owens

Where the Crawdads Sing

Delia OwensFiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2018

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Part 2, Chapters 47-57Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “The Swamp”

Part 2, Chapter 47 Summary: “The Expert” (1970)

The sheriff testifies that the absence of footprints makes him suspect foul play. Milton catches him in a logical contradiction—it is just as likely that the marsh simply reabsorbed any footprints. No expert has backed up the sheriff’s theory on the stand, so the sheriff is unable to rebut this alternate explanation.

Milton discredits the rest of the sheriff’s testimony, which centers on the open hatch at the fire tower and the likelihood that Kya was strong enough to push Chase out of it. Milton shares a letter the sheriff wrote to the park service three months before Chase died complaining about the possibility of someone accidentally falling out of the fire tower hatch because the hatches would frequently be left open.

Part 2, Chapter 48 Summary: “A Trip” (1969)

Kya departs for her trip to Greenville on October 28 after stopping by Jumpin’s. The townspeople are astonished by how tidily she is dressed and the very idea of the Marsh Girl taking a trip out of town. They are just as astonished when she returns two days later.

After she returns, Jumpin’ tells her about Chase’s death, including details like the missing shell necklace. Kya has no intention of attending the funeral because of the gossip it would cause.

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