63 pages 2 hours read

Paul Fleischman


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1998

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“The Afterlife”-“Miami, Florida”Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter Summary: “The Afterlife”

Brent causes a car crash after the party. While he is unscathed save for a mild concussion, he kills another driver, a high school senior named Lea Zamora. Lea was a star student and active participant in her community. Brent is wracked with guilt and stops going to school. He does not tell anyone that he tried to kill himself. He sends an apology letter to Lea’s father, who sends the letter back to him “mutilated” (37).

Brent’s parents hire a lawyer and psychologist to argue against a prison sentence for him. The judge sentences him to probation and orders him to meet with the Zamoras, if they so desire, to discuss restitution. Although Brent is relieved, he realizes that he wants to be punished. Brent meets with Mrs. Zamora, Lea’s mother. She describes her grief over Lea’s death. Brent’s parents are ready to pay the Zamoras. Mrs. Zamora, however, requests that instead of payment, Brent builds whirligigs with Lea’s likeness, as Lea’s grandfather used to build. Brent is to set them up in Washington, California, Florida, and Maine—the four corners of the United States. Brent’s parents protest but Brent agrees.

Brent reflects on these events as he watches the sunrise from a bus near Seattle.