72 pages 2 hours read

David Yoon

Frankly in Love

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2019

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Cultural Context: Korean American Culture

Korean American culture refers to the unique blend of Korean and American customs, traditions, values, and practices that have evolved within the Korean diaspora in the United States. It encompasses various aspects of daily life, including language, food, clothing, art, music, literature, and social norms.

Language plays a significant role in Korean American culture, with many Korean Americans maintaining fluency in both Korean and English. Korean cuisine, such as kimchi, bibimbap, and bulgogi, is widely enjoyed and has gained popularity in the mainstream culinary scene. Traditional Korean clothing, such as hanbok, is still worn on special occasions and cultural events. Korean American culture also embraces the arts, including traditional music (such as pansori and samulnori) and modern K-pop, as well as traditional dances and rituals. Literature and film are other media through which Korean Americans express their cultural identity and share their experiences. However, it is important to note that Korean American culture is not monolithic and varies among individuals and generations. Younger Korean Americans may embrace both Korean and American cultural elements, leading to the emergence of a distinct Korean American identity that combines both worlds.

Frankly in Love delves into Korean American experiences and challenges. It explores the immigrant experience of Frank’s parents, who moved from South Korea to the United States.