72 pages 2 hours read

David Yoon

Frankly in Love

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2019

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Symbols & Motifs

The Tascam

Frank’s Tascam recording device is used to capture significant moments and preserve memories. It becomes a powerful symbol of connection, reflection, and the transient nature of life. Through the act of recording, Frank seeks to create a tangible connection to his experiences, recognizing that time is fleeting. The Tascam becomes a tool for him to bridge the gap between the past and present, allowing him to revisit and reflect upon significant moments.

The act of recording with the Tascam also becomes a form of self-discovery for Frank. He feels seen when he learns that the act of assembling found audio is a practice that others also engage in. As he documents his thoughts, fears, and aspirations, the device becomes a means for him celebrate his love for found audio. The recording process provides Frank with a space to explore his creativity and gain a deeper understanding of his own perceptions.

Ultimately, Frank leaves the Tascam behind when he goes to college, symbolizing that he no longer needs to rely on it to feel connected to the world around him:

Memory is cheap and plentiful, and the Tascam will record for hours and hours even with all the other sounds that are still on it: Lake Girlfriend, ocean waves, diners at Scudders, that samulnori quartet, and so on.