105 pages 3 hours read

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Half of a Yellow Sun

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2006

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Essay Topics


Ugwu is a sweet and relatively simple character throughout the entire book, interacting with the novel’s other characters with youthful innocence. Yet these characteristics are contrasted with the fact that he participated in the rape of a bar girl during his time as a soldier. Do you believe Ugwu is a good or evil person? Depending on your stance, why or why not?


Odenigbo cheats on Olanna with Amala, playing right into his mother’s nefarious scheme to ruin her son’s marriage. Who do you believe is more responsible for the transgression: Odenigbo or his mother?


When Eastern Nigeria seceded and became the Republic of Biafra in the narrative, there was a wave a patriotic fervor that swept over the Igbo populace. Do you believe the Igbos were too idealistic and optimistic about the chances of their secession from Nigeria? Support your position with textual evidence.