101 pages 3 hours read

Stephen King


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1987

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Character Analysis

Paul Sheldon

Paul Sheldon is an author of novels, "good ones and best-sellers" (7). He's a "tall man, forty-two years old," twice divorced, and an alcoholic. Paul has a "vivid imagination" (56), which he's used to write a series of best-selling romance novels centered on Misery Chastain, "darling of the dump bins and sweetheart of the supermarkets" (62). When the novel begins, Paul has just finished writing Fast Cars, his first non-Misery ­novel, which he hopes will garner him the critical praise he desires. During his time as Annie's prisoner, Paul swings between utter terror, hopelessness, and depression and inspiration, hope, and bravery. Paul also expresses himself as a writer, giving the reader an idea of what it's like to write under extreme duress. 

Annie Wilkes

Annie Wilkes is a middle-aged woman, a former nurse, who lives by herself on a remote farm in Colorado. She is Paul Sheldon's self-described "number-one fan" though her fandom crosses the line into dangerous obsession (6). Annie grew up in Bakersfield, California but has lived in many places across the nation. She considers herself a proper woman who dislikes cussing, so she uses words such as "fiddle-de-foof" (75) and "cockadoodie" (79) instead. Annie is a large woman who dresses conservatively in the same gray cardigan and "endless succession of wool skirts" each day.