69 pages 2 hours read


Nothing But The Truth

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1991

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Important Quotes

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“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Does anyone say no?” 

(Epigraph, Page n/a)

This quote paraphrases language typically used to swear in witnesses who about to testify during legal proceedings. Avi uses the epigraph and the question that follows to introduce the theme of truth and perception. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“Say, ‘Please all rise and stand at respectful, silent attention for the playing of our national anthem.’” 

(Memo, Page 1)

This quote introduces the school district’s procedure for the morning announcements. One of the central questions that Philip’s humming/singing raises is about the meaning of respect. While the school district sees silence as a way of being respectful of the national anthem, Philip’s supporters see breaking that silence by singing as respectful.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I mean, what can you do with an English teacher who’s so uptight she must have been put together with super glue. Try to make a joke—lighten things up a bit—she goes all flinty-faced. Shift to sweet, she goes sour. I mean, people can’t have their own minds about anything!!! Talk about a free country!!!” 

(Chapter 1, Pages 3-4)

This early quote demonstrates how much Philip dislikes Ms. Narwin. His reference to it being “a free country” shows that a major motivation for his dislike of her is that she represents authority, one that he dislikes.