69 pages 2 hours read


Nothing But The Truth

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1991

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Truth Versus Perception

Published in 1991, well before the contemporary concepts of “going viral” and “fake news” became important, the novel nevertheless forces the reader to consider the impact that perception can have on what counts as truth. Avi carefully portrays the impact that self-interest and politics have on the characters’ interpretation of the same events.

The conflict between Philip and Ms. Narwin goes viral in part because those involved consciously or unconsciously allow self-interest to shape the stories they tell about the event. Philip’s interest is to be allowed to run track. He initiates the conflict with Ms. Narwin to accomplish the goal of being removed from her class. In recounting what happened in the classroom, he leaves out important details or lies in order to cast himself as a powerless student subjected to abuse and unfairness by a boring teacher with control issues. Dr. Palleni’s interviews with Todd, Cynthia, and Allison all reveal that there is some divergence in the simple facts of what happened on the days when Ms. Narwin forced Philip to leave her classroom. All three students note that they were not paying much attention to what happened, but they rely on their general impressions of Philip and Mrs.