67 pages 2 hours read

Roland Smith


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Important Quotes

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“You don’t get to pick your name, or your parents”

(Page 1)

From the outset, it is clear that Peak knows he has to make the best out of the situation he has. He has a shockingly mature perspective for a fourteen-year-old.

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“Now I was mad, which was exactly what I needed to finish the climb”

(Page 5)

Climbing is presented as a pursuit akin to combat. To claim a mountain’s summit is to conquer the mountain.

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“The mystery. That’s the point. And there isn’t enough of it, in my opinion”

(Page 8)

Peak is perceptive. He knows that he will never understand exactly why he tags, or climbs. But he knows himself well enough to know that he can’t fight against it. He sees the act of tagging as participating in something bigger from himself, something that may benefit others.