67 pages 2 hours read

Roland Smith


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Until he meets Sun-jo, there is no mention of Peak having friends. It is unclear whether this is because of his isolated Wyoming upbringing, or because he doesn’t know anyone else who climbs, but friendship with people outside his family does not appear to be something Peak either has or needs. His easy and immediate camaraderie with Sun-jo implies that this has been lacking, even if he has not consciously felt it. But once he is on the mountain there is an obvious kinship with anyone who is brave (or crazy) enough to attempt a dangerous climb.


Peak’s misadventure with the skyscraper gives him the opportunity to reconnect with his estranged biological father. But as he witnesses Josh’s self-serving nature, he realizes that Rolf has the potential to be more of a father to him than his biological father ever will be. Sun-jo lost a father on K2 and has been raised by Zopa, who, in his resourcefulness and willingness to lead by example, serves as a type of father figure to anyone who needs it. One of the most optimistic implications for Peak’s future is that he has enough positive male role models to be a good father himself, rather than follow in Josh’s footsteps.