82 pages 2 hours read

Alexandra Diaz

The Only Road

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Chapters 15-18

Chapters 15-18 Summary

Waking up underneath the abandoned car where they have sought shelter, the cousins are surprised and delighted to find that Vida has followed their trail and brought Xavi, Rafa, and Joaquín to them. The friends are thrilled to reunite and exchange stories of their journeys. Jaime is momentarily put out when he learns that the boys who rode on top of the train had food thrown to them by kind-hearted residents of towns as they passed through, but then he is grateful to have that food shared with him.

Following a tip, they head toward a bridge where they meet a man who has lost both legs at the knee to the train. In exchange for the last of their food, he gives them advice on which trains they can find where and which are the safest to try to board. They ask him about the smuggler they are supposed to find, and the man says the smuggler was recently killed. He directs them to another bridge where they can find good Samaritans with a food truck and maybe another way north.

This next bridge is near a market, and Xavi decides to try to sell his phone charger.