82 pages 2 hours read

Alexandra Diaz

The Only Road

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Chapters 8-11

Chapters 8-11 Summary

Jaime and Ángela wake up in Padre Kevin’s church and see their surroundings in the light of day. Jaime begins to realize the magnitude of the movement they are part of: “If there were about one hundred people here, in this one little church, in a little town, how many other immigrants were there in other refugee centers throughout Mexico?” (54) Ángela tells Jaime the volume of immigrants is why El Norte is building a wall: “to keep us out” (54). Jaime and Ángela meet other immigrants, learning where they are from and their reasons for leaving, including violence, poverty, and gangs.

Padre Kevin tells them that El Gordo, the smuggler their families have already paid, will be at the church tomorrow. Padre Kevin is visibly uncomfortable sharing this information. Jaime and Ángela are asked to wash dishes and assigned to work with three other boys: Xavi, Rafa, and Joaquín. Xavi recognizes them from the bus, and he and Ángela strike up a flirtatious banter. As the children share their experiences and reasons for going north, Ángela asks Jaime to find out how old Xavi is.