111 pages 3 hours read

Robin Roe

A List of Cages

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Chapters 66-72Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 66 Summary

This two-page chapter is narrated by Adam as he describes what living with Julian has been like since Julian came home from the hospital. Julian has made a bed pallet on Adam's floor, and he keeps "trailing after [him] even if [Adam is] just going to the kitchen or to use the toilet" (287). Adam "can't take it" and wants to get out of the house, but when Charlie comes by and offers to go out to eat with him, Adam just says, "'No, I think we're good here'" (287). Charlie continues to come by after school with videos, and he finally convinces Adam to get out, and offers to sit with Julian. Adam finally agrees, and he goes out for a run. Adam stays out for about an hour, but he decides to back to the house immediately because Julian will be "freaking out" (289). However, when he returns home, he finds Julian playing a video game with Charlie and cheering him on (289). 

Chapter 67 Summary

In this chapter, Adam narrates the details about a conversation he has with his mother, Catherine. Adam goes into the living room and finds his mother watching television at midnight. When Adam plops down on the couch, his mother says she's worried about him because he seems to be "'too together'"(290).