111 pages 3 hours read

Robin Roe

A List of Cages

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Character Analysis

Adam Blake

Adam's girlfriend, Emerald, describes Adam as having an “‘angular face. High cheekbones. And…big brown Bambi eyes’” (107). According to Julian, Adam has never met his father. He lives with a highly protective, loving mom who used to be a social worker. Adam's mother treats his Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with homeopathic remedies. His ADHD causes Adam to speed through his high-school halls and often trip on people and things.

Adam is a true friend to everyone, but especially to Julian. He coaches Julian's school work, helps him to make friends, forces him to eat when he needs to, and encourages Julian to believe in himself and his talents. When Charlie Taylor complains about Julian riding in the car with their group of senior friends, Adam tells Charlie he can get out. He listens to Julian's wants and dreams and he does not reveal his secrets. Adam also makes tremendous sacrifices for Julian. He sits with Julian in the hospital for days at a time, and even when Julian is released from the hospital and Adam wants to go out and do things, he doesn't, because he knows Julian needs him. Adam has even decided not to live at the dorm in college because he thinks Julian needs him.