
57 pages 1 hour read

Megan Miranda

All the Missing Girls

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2016

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Character Analysis

Nicolette Farrell

Nic is the protagonist of the book. She was born and raised in Cooley Ridge. Her mother died from an illness when she was young, and her father lost his mental stability after she died. Following the disappearance of her best friend, Corinne, Nic leaves town for Philadelphia. 

Nic narrates the book. Aside from taking care of her father and getting her childhood home in order, the majority of her efforts are funneled into finding out what happened to Corinne and Annaleise. She is tormented by the events of her past, which resurface as she spends more time in Cooley Ridge. She has a hard time sleeping at night in her old house, as “shadows” and “dark shapes” slither like “monsters” all over the walls and the floors (145). This lack of sleep contributes to her inability to think clearly, putting her in a mild, continuous daze. Her brother, Daniel, lives with his wife, and her father is in a facility. When Nic is home alone, she often walks through the woods or lets her mind wander to other times. 

When she comes back to visit Cooley Ridge, Nic tries to resume her relationship with her old friends without realizing that although she imagines the town hasn’t changed in her absence, in actuality, time has augmented people and relationships.

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