
95 pages 3 hours read

Agatha Christie

And Then There Were None

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1939

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. A (Various Chapters)

2. C (Various Chapters)

3. D (Various Chapters)

4. A (Various Chapters)

5. B (Various Chapters)

6. A (Various Chapters)

7. D (Various Chapters)

8. B (Various Chapters)

9. C (Various Chapters)

10. A (Various Chapters)

11. C (Manuscript)

12. A (Various Chapters)

13. A (Various Chapters)

14. C (Various Chapters)

15. B (Various Chapters)

Long Answer

1. Some of the characters, such as the housekeeper and butler, create discomfort with their absence as they are the caretakers of the house and provide meals to the characters. Other characters, such as the doctor, are essential to the narrative because they provide expertise—e.g., assessing the cause of death and faking Justice Wargrave’s passing. Many of the characters, such as Vera and Emily, create drama through their backgrounds and the motives behind their stories. (Various Chapters)

2. Many of the characters justify their behavior by failing to confront their actions head-on. Most of the characters initially claim they are innocent of the crimes or had very little involvement in them, such as Vera’s claim of negligence, but later accept and confess to their role in the murders they committed. (Various Chapters)

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