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Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder

Nassim Nicholas TalebNonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2012

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Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, written by essayist and former options trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb, presents Taleb’s concept of antifragility and explains its role in various areas of life. Taleb’s central idea is that some systems, objects, and organizations benefit from shocks and volatility. He asserts that antifragility, so conceived, is different from concepts like resilience, which it resembles. Resilience is merely an ability to bounce back, but antifragility is the ability to grow and positively benefit from stressors. Antifragility, he claims, is the true opposite of fragility. Published in 2012, Antifragile is the fourth book in Taleb’s five-part Incerto series, each book thematically linked by the idea that humankind must learn to live with and adapt to the unexpected.


Taleb argues that most people, institutions, and systems are designed to be fragile, relying on relatively high levels of stability and predictability to prevent them from collapsing. Antifragile systems, by contrast, are built to thrive in unpredictable and volatile environments; they adapt and grow stronger in the face of adversity. Throughout the book, Taleb offers colorful examples from a wide range of different domains to illustrate the concept, from biology to finance and beyond. He also offers advice on how individuals can become more antifragile, suggesting that people should embrace uncertainty and risk-taking: As long as people learn from their past mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth, they should not live in fear of making a mistake in the first place.

Antifragile consists of seven “books.” It is bookended by a prologue and epilogue. The Prologue establishes the central premise of the book, which is that antifragility goes beyond resilience and robustness. He also asserts that it allows us to deal in a better way with the unknown by making non-predictive decisions and thriving without complete understanding of the situation. Book 1 consists of four chapters. Book 1, Chapter 1 offers a definition of antifragility and argues that the increased complexity of our society has made it more fragile. Chapter 2 discusses the personal post-traumatic growth as an example of antifragility and emphasizes the importance of bouncing back from failures and hardships: Just as inventions are born out of necessity, not planning or education, humans tend to underestimate the potential impact of unexpected events.

Chapter 3 highlights the antifragility of natural and biological systems while criticizing the tendency to overmedicate and smoothen out normal mood swings with drugs like Prozac. Chapter 4 discusses how the antifragility of some individuals, systems, and industries can come at the expense of others. He uses the example of the restaurant industry, which is a strong category overall but has a high failure rate for individual restaurants due to intense competition. Taleb also argues that disasters, such as the sinking of the Titanic, can serve as catalysts for change, eventually making systems stronger through the process of creative destruction.

In Book 2 (Chapters 5-8), Taleb explores how volatility (or the lack thereof) can affect systems tested and strengthened by antifragility. In Chapter 5, he explains argues that those engaged in sex work, taxi driving, or artisanal work are more antifragile than high-earning professional employees. He also emphasizes how we have a tendency to prioritize concrete experiences over statistics. Chapter 6 argues that trying to over-control systems can unintentionally lead to fragility, and that children should experience negative and possibly even dangerous situations in order to grow more antifragile. He advocates in Chapter 7 for caution and restraint in intervention, highlighting that systems are often more antifragile than we think, which by implication means that intervention should only occur under specific conditions. Finally, in Chapter 8, he advocates for preparing for the future with failure in mind, rather than trying to predict and avoid it; failure is after all a natural part of life.

In Book 3 (Chapters 9-11), Taleb introduces the fictional character “Fat Tony” in order to make an argument that it is more profitable to bet against those who are trying to predict the future than it is to try to predict it oneself. Chapter 10 discusses the downsides of being an employee—primarily, that it entails dependence on someone else’s whims. Chapter 11 introduces what he calls the Barbell Strategy, wherein people play it safe on one side and take risks on the other side. He then provides examples of this strategy, including investing in both safe and highly lucrative investments, or marrying a boring person while indulging in the excitement of a rock star on the side.

Book 4 (Chapters 12-17) discusses the fundamentally mysterious nature of the world, and how optionality helps explain this mystery. Chapter 12 stresses the importance of having options to respond to unforeseen events with a wider breadth of possibility. However, he adds, having too many options can lead to choice paralysis, as well as wasted time and effort. Chapter 13 reflects on the invention of carry luggage with wheels, which took 6,000 years to develop, and argues that it is the small, practical inventions that ultimately have the greatest impact on our lives. Chapter 14 challenges the idea that education improves standards of living, arguing that it is the other way around. Taleb also suggests that the best idea does not necessarily survive, but rather the person saying it does. Chapter 15 explores the relationship between theory and practical application, with Taleb arguing that theoretical knowledge often plays catch up to new discoveries and breakthroughs. Chapter 16 gives various examples that demonstrate the limitations of education and the importance of real-world experience. In Chapter 17, Taleb argues that people often make decisions—knowingly or not—based on fragility rather than probability.

Book 5 consists of only two chapters (18-19). In Chapter 18, Taleb discusses nonlinearity and cases when small differences can lead to significant impacts. For example, one crash at a high speed can cause more damage than many crashes at lower speeds. In Chapter 19, he alludes to the Pareto Law, stating that it’s more becoming a 99/1 rather than an 80/20 rule in many areas. Additionally, Taleb talks about collaboration being a tool for achieving antifragility and the importance of making decisions based on a single robust reason rather than several, less consequential reasons.

Book 6 (Chapters 20-22) introduces the via negativa, which essentially means that some systems are strengthened by reduction, rather than by adding more components to them. Chapter 20 discusses how what has been around for a long time is likely to stick around in the future; Taleb gives the examples of a shelf full of books, chairs, wine, and forks. He explains how the imperial system is easier to make sense of than the metric system, because it more tangibly reflects human experience. Chapter 21 focuses on antifragility in medicine and how doctors tend to over-intervene. He recounts a humorous anecdote about an argument he had with a doctor in an emergency room. Chapter 22 is more personal, as Taleb reflects on his life and how it improved after he removed personal irritants like television, air conditioning, long commutes, and newspapers.

Book 7 (Chapters 23-25, plus a brief Epilogue) concludes the book with an emphasis on responsibility. Chapter 23 is about the need for people to have “skin in the game.” Taleb means one’s actions or opinions, particularly in predicting or giving advice to others, should come with consequences and stakes. Additionally, he criticizes corporations for prioritizing profit over quality products, and he criticizes marketing as an inferior tactic used to sell inferior products. Chapter 24 discusses the role of ethics in relation to one’s profession, highlighting the importance of owning one’s opinion, the danger of the treadmill effect, and the problems with complex regulation and cherry-picking in the field of speculative research. Chapter 25 revisits the central idea that everything either benefits from or is damaged by volatility. The Epilogue concludes the work with a fictional anecdote about Fat Tony and Nero, in which Nero was in the Levant when he was asked to be the executor of Tony’s will, which included a prank involving a secret mission and twenty million dollars to spend. Nero accepted the mission and felt honored that Tony trusted him to read his mind.

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