93 pages 3 hours read

Fredrik Backman


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2016

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Character Analysis

Kevin Erdahl

Kevin is 17 years old and the best player on the Beartown junior team. The following year, he will either be on the A-team or will be drafted into the NHL. Kevin is not happy, however. His parents are detached and never attend his games. They value success and perfection, rarely showing affection for their son. Kevin develops a crush on Maya and invites her to a party at his house after they win the semifinal. At the party, he is drunk and takes her up to his room. When she says she does not want to have sex, Kevin rapes her. After, she tells the police and Kevin is taken off the bus before the trip to play the final in another town. Kevin is exonerated of the crime given that he is the prize commodity on the hockey team and his father’s influence helps bring the investigation to a premature end. His release brings him little relief, as his best friend, Benji, no longer wants anything to do with him because he knows Kevin is guilty. Ten years after the rape, he will see Maya in a parking lot, but she will not tell his wife what happened.