85 pages 2 hours read

Black Brother, Black Brother

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Part 2 Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Training”

Part 2, Chapter 11 Summary: “First Position”

Donte leaves a note for his parents, departing home by six in the morning. When he arrives at the Boys and Girls Club, Mr. Jones comments that he’s small, making him less of a target. Jones immediately has him start doing push-ups. Donte struggles and almost gives up but doesn’t. Mr. Jones—who soon tells Donte to call him “Coach”—watches as Donte finishes. He says: “You just showed me how much you want it. I can teach a lot of things. But I can’t teach drive” (72).

After this, Coach seems like a different person. He smiles at Donte, who tells him not to call him “kid” after Coach does so several times. Donte feels like they’re both realizing that they can work well together. Donte’s never had a coach before. As he works out, he realizes that he can do physical activity. He feels like he can do anything. He thinks: “Who knew? Donte Ellison, athlete” (74).

Part 2, Chapter 12 Summary: “Can’t Move”

The next day, Donte is incredibly sore. Donte explains why to Trey and Trey has him stretch. When their dad comes in, Trey reveals that Donte is working with Jones. Their dad says that he fenced in college and did ballet. He proves this by stepping into first position, and Donte shows what first position means for fencing. Trey and his dad imitate him, saying: “Three Musketeers […] ‘All for one. One for all’” (79). Donte wants to defend himself against Alan.

Part 2, Chapter 13 Summary: “Back to School”

Their dad drives Trey to school before Donte on Donte’s first day back. Their mom says that Trey is planning a surprise, but Donte knows she wants to talk privately with him. She sits him down and explains that she wants to file a civil rights case on his behalf and on the behalf of “other students of color who are punished disproportionately” (80). When Donte asks what this means, she explains that there’s a trend in which Black students get more severe punishments than white students. She wants to make Donte the lead plaintiff.

He knows that she’d be alright if he said no. He does want to stay out of the spotlight. However, because the video of his arrest is already on the Internet, it doesn’t really matter. He thought he was normal in New York, but now he feels that “somehow, I’m not quite ‘normal’ in suburban Massachusetts” (82). Maybe racism had also existed in New York, and he hadn’t noticed. He agrees to be the lead plaintiff, even though he’ll have to appear in juvenile court and respond to the school’s charges.

When Donte arrives at school, he’s greeted by the basketball team and cheerleaders chanting his name. Even though he’s nervous, he realizes that “[c]oming back isn’t as hard as I expected” (83). Trey explains that he’s made it clear that “Ellison brothers stick together. No one can be my friend without being yours” (83). When Donte says that he could have done that sooner, Trey, uncomfortable, says it was so people could like Donte without his help. Donte isn’t sure if he’s trying to make himself feel better.

One student, Dylan, apologizes for what happened to him. Three girls wave, which Trey says is a sign of attention to come. Donte isn’t sure if it’s because they like him or because they like Trey. He thinks of Zarra.

Donte spots the fencing team. When the bell rings, he falls, and every member of the team steps on him. Soon, Alan and his teammates disappear to class.

Donte thinks about Dylan. He wonders if Dylan came to the office the day of the pencil-throwing incident to explain that Dante was innocent and then backed down because of the headmaster’s anger. Donte screams out of frustration in the hallway and is shocked when no one comes to reprimand him. He goes to class.

Part 2, Chapter 14 Summary: “On Guard”

At fencing practice, Coach and Donte practice advances and retreats, moving forward and back to hone footwork. Donte wonders what the point is. He hasn’t held a sword yet, but Coach explains that he’s teaching patience. He compliments Donte and says that Donte’s father has a surprise for him. Just then, Trey and Donte’s father William show up.

Coach talks to William. He says that Donte has a gift and how, even though it’s been weeks, Donte had not asked once about a sword (until that day). William opens the bag, revealing swords, masks, jackets, and gloves. Donte feels overwhelmed, even though he knows that his parents have long bought equipment for Trey and his team.

Coach asks Trey if he wants to learn how to fence, and William encourages him, much to Donte’s dismay. Donte wants something to be his, and Trey senses this, letting it be Donte’s. Zion and Zarra arrive to spar with Donte. Zion wonders if Trey is his brother, and Zarra quickly responds that he is. Donte appreciates that she isn’t shocked that is brother is white, but quickly worries that she’ll become more interested in him.

Soon, they’re back to practice, and Donte holds a foil, a fencing weapon. Coach warns him not to move his wrist or arm when he moves the blade, to control it with his fingers. Coach demonstrates, explaining that one needs to “[s]ee everything […] Train the eye. Look for the subtle signs. The subtlest of intentions” (96). Things will be more difficult to see in a real match, when someone is clad head to toe in a fencing suit and mesh mask. Zarra says that they’ll all be champions. Coach references the “Black Count.” Donte wonders who this is.

Coach calls “on guard,” and everyone falls into position. Donte starts to like the feeling of being on a team, the sense of “[a] different kind of family” (98). He’ll like fencing even more after he defeats Alan.

Part 2, Chapter 15 Summary: “The Strip”

Readers learn that a fencing mat is forty-six feet long by six feet wide. It’s important to keep distance between you and your opponent.

Part 2, Chapter 16 Summary: “Reconnaissance”

Trey suggests going to watch Alan’s fencing practice so that they can “scop[e] out the enemy on their home turf” (100). Donte doesn’t love the idea, as he tries to stay away from Alan as much as possible. Donte can also tell that something is off with Trey, but he isn’t sure what. Then, he realizes that Trey has been practicing with the Middlefield Prep fencing team. Trey has told the fencing coach that he wants to learn to fence to condition for the basketball championship. To goad the fencing coach into proving his colleague wrong, Trey told the fencing coach that the basketball coach said that “[f]encing is a waste” (103).

Donte thinks that Trey can get away with lying because people think that he’s the “better brother” (103). Alan ignores Trey at practices, and Donte asks if Trey likes fencing. Trey responds that he does, wondering if Donte minds. Donte is hesitant, but he also knows that Trey is on his side. He agrees to come watch.

On Monday, Alan and his friends taunt Donte, calling him “Black brother, black brother” again and again (104). Later, Donte watches as they practice, noticing the contrast between Middlefield’s gym and the Boys and Girls Club. It’s been hard for others to get on the Middlefield team since Alan and his teammates have been fencing for years. There’s a rumor that Alan’s father personally pays the coach’s salary. Donte notices that Trey does well.

Donte starts to feel self-conscious. He notices how well Alan does and begins to doubt himself. When he tries to go, the sound of the bleachers creaking make Trey lose focus. He ends up staying.

He watches two fencers spar and one score on the other. Then, he remembers Coach saying: “See everything.” He focuses, seeing subtle movements. As he watches one fencer come from behind to defeat the other, he realizes that fencing is a mind game with strategy.

Alan challenges Trey to a match, and the coach allows it. He quickly scores on Trey with a straight thrust of his sword. His teammates applaud, a rude gesture when fencers are trying to focus, but neither Alan nor the coach care. Trey tries his best, but his efforts are eclipsed by Alan’s years of experience. Enraged as Alan and his friends laugh at Trey, Donte hurries down the bleachers. The coach goes into his office as the brothers face Alan and his cronies.

Part 2, Chapter 17 Summary: “Sorry”

Donte and Trey’s mother is enraged after the headmaster calls, reporting that both Donte and Trey were in trouble. She wonders why they weren’t avoiding Alan. Donte thinks that she doesn’t know what it’s like to a boy, and he can see that his father feels similarly. He thinks: “Sometimes it’s tougher to talk things out. To walk away. Problem is—what if Alan and his crew don’t know that. Smackdown” (117). Donte feels like he has to stand with his brother.

Trey tries to explain that they didn’t hurt anyone and that it was the coach who called the office. Their mom cries, and Donte knows it’s because she’s worried that he could be hurt, even killed. He thinks it’s a contradiction, the idea that, as a man, he’s supposed to be tough, but as a Black man, he could be killed for being tough.

Switching topics, Trey says that he thinks Donte could’ve taken Alan in the match. While Donte isn’t sure, he knows that he’s had a breakthrough, feeling like he could “see fencing clearer” (120). Still, their mother admits to being scared, an admission that worries both Trey and Donte. Donte feels like he’ll always be angry and won’t be able to defeat Alan. Their mother explains that his hearing is on Monday, making things worse.

Part 2, Chapter 18 Summary: “Parry”

In fencing, a parry is a block to avoid an attack. A detached parry uses the wrist. A non-resisting parry uses the opponent’s blade’s momentum against them. The goal of an attack is to hit the trunk or torso of the body in one of four quadrants, and a parry should defend against it. Choosing which parry to use “is the ultimate physical and mental skill” (124).

Part 2, Chapter 19 Summary: “Teamwork”

Trey joins practice at the Boys and Girls Club, automatically fitting in with Donte, Zion, and Zarra. They practice parrying. Zarra and Donte are paired up, and he starts to sense which part of his body she will attack. When they call a water break, Zion reveals that he brought jerk chicken that he made. Donte nervously talks to Zarra. When she says she hates being in the kitchen, he says his mother does too, that Denise likes being outside playing hopscotch. She imagines the token at the end of the hopscotch as her dreams, picking them up one by one as she achieves them.

Zarra says that she knew Donte would like the jerk chicken because he “run[s] hot like Coach. You’re an emotional firecracker” (129). Everyone agrees. When Donte asks Jones why he stopped fencing, he walks away. When Coach doesn’t return after ten minutes, Donte goes after him. Donte apologizes and says that he was curious since it seemed like Coach had everything. Coach responds that it only seems that way. He adds that Donte is “a good kid” but that he needs to be smart” (130). 

Donte sits down, feeling like Saturday’s fencing is his favorite. However, when Coach asks why he wanted to fence, Donte immediately gets upset, thinking about Alan. His legs start to bounce, and his hands form fists. Coach warns him not to do it for someone else: “Only you,” he says, “That’s smart” (131). When he starts to leave, Donte asks him to stay and talks about Alan, the hearing, and the civil lawsuit his mom is filing. Finally, Coach asks: “If justice prevails, would experiencing Alan’s prejudice have been worth it?” (133). Donte responds that he needs to think about it.

Part 2, Chapter 20 Summary: “Hearing”

On the day of his hearing, Donte observes an image of Lady Justice at the courthouse, noticing that her sword is thicker than the foil he uses when fencing. It reminds him of a gladiator’s weapon, making him wonder: “Justice means a fight?” (134).

Because he’s under eighteen, Donte is legally classified as a “delinquent” with an “adjudication hearing” rather than a trial. As he and his mother wait outside the courtroom, he notices that many of the other “delinquents” are people of color, just like him. He watches families enter and leave the courtroom, sometimes without the kid that went in with him. He begins to worry that “I might disappear—really, really disappear behind the courtroom door” (136).

Coach appears, and Donte realizes that his dad invited him. Donte is grateful and happy to see him. When his name is finally called, Coach says: “Heads up. Another strip. Another field. See everything. On guard, Donte. On guard” (137). Donte thinks this is odd, that “[f]encing isn’t life” (137).

In the courtroom, Donte is asked to stand when everyone else is seated. The judge asks about Donte’s representation and is surprised that he’s a lawyer’s son. The judge says: “Your school, Middlefield Prep, says you’re a delinquent. You threw a pencil and a book bag with intention to harm” (139). Immediately, Donte says no. The school doesn’t even have to come to the hearing, and the police report provides the evidence. He wonders why the state is “defending Middlefield’s lies” (139).

The judge asks the prosecutor if he has proof and then if the prosecutor intends to drop the charges. The prosecutor responds that he thinks they’re “credible” (140). Donte’s mom stands, pointing out that they only seem credible because Middlefield is a wealthy, white school. She adds that the Massachusetts Board of Education forbids disproportionate punishment but that it continues to occur, even in schools like Middlefield. The judge is surprised that Donte goes to a private school and assumes he’s there on a scholarship. Denise quickly snaps that that’s not the case.

Coach’s words click for Donte: “Seeing is intuition, trying to predict strategy. Tactics” (141). It’s to Donte’s benefit that the school isn’t there and the judge has a lot of discretion. As time ticks by, Donte knows it’s good that the case is taking longer than many of the others they saw go in and out of the room in the morning.

The judge deliberates. Donte knows it’s to his advantage that he’s wearing a suit, that his mom is a lawyer, and that he does go to a private school. He thinks of what Coach would say: “The best attack is unexpected” (143). Donte decides to do just that, saying that his dad and brother are there too. He knows that their skin color will help him. He points out Jones, and Coach says that Donte is learning to fence and that he helps out at the Boys and Girls Club. The fact that the judge used to fence also helps Donte.

The judge begins to wonder aloud, thinking it odd that Donte would be in trouble. Donte adds that he never wants to hurt anyone. When Donte asks where the headmaster is, the prosecutor agrees to drop the complaint.

Denise knows that Donte has evaded trouble because he was able to avoid being stereotyped. The judge would have been biased if he was a poor student. Still, he gets 200 hours of community service at the Boys and Girls Club. Denise commends Donte for his actions. They both know it wasn’t fair: “Lady Justice is blind. But it mattered to the judge that he could see I wasn’t poor, see I had a coach, educated parents. A white dad, a white-skinned brother” (146). 

Part 2, Chapter 21 Summary: “Celebrate”

Donte, his family, and Coach Arden go to lunch to celebrate. Donte notices how relaxed Coach is. Donte tries some uni and is shocked to learn that it’s a spindly creature.

Part 2, Chapter 22 Summary: “Riposte”

A riposte in fencing melds a parry and an attack, throwing an opponent off by acting quickly.

Part 2 Analysis

Part 2 contains short chapters explaining fencing to the readers. These come at specific moments, serving as an introduction for those unfamiliar with fencing and, at times, helping readers to understand what about fencing appeals to Donte. For example, Chapter 18 explains that “[f]or the successful fencer, deciding when and which parry to use is the ultimate physical and mental skill” (124). In this section, we see Donte learn how to apply fencing to his real life, touching on the theme of The Invisibility and Visibility of Race. The novel explores the motifs of strategy and tactics and seeing. In the hearing, Donte pays attention to what is happening beneath the surface, to “see everything” as he has been taught; he realizes that he can parry attacks and respond. He thinks: “Seeing is intuition, trying to predict strategy. Tactics” (141).

Donte sees that the judge has stereotyped him and his mother. He initially believes that Donte is just another Black troublemaker. Donte stands to introduce himself. He knows the judge will see him more favorably if Donte aligns himself with whiteness, his white father and light-skinned brother. Donte adds that he’s been learning to fence from Coach. Together, these mentions rack up “points” in his favor, compelling the prosecutor to drop the case against him (144). He knows that he shouldn’t have to defend himself against stereotypes, that this is unjust, but he is learning how to defend himself and what strategies are effective in a racist world. 

This section also explores the theme of Navigating Intersectional Identities. The judge is surprised to learn that Denise is a lawyer and that she is able to afford to send Donte to a private school. According to George Washington University's Intersectionality Research Institute, "intersectionality is the concept that all oppression is linked and people are often disadvantaged by multiple sources of oppression: their race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, and religion, just to name a few. So for a Black woman, intersectionality recognizes that your identity as a 'woman' and as 'Black' do not exist independently of each other" (“Intersectionality 101,” Intersectionality Research Institute). As a Black woman, Denise’s experience is different from the experiences of both Black men and white women. The judge assumes that she is not a lawyer because it is a profession dominated by men. He thinks that she couldn’t afford to send Donte to private school because he assumes that African Americans are poor.

Donte deals with the complexities of being Black and male. Donte wants to be tough and stand up to Alan. However, he knows that being tough can be particularly dangerous for him as a Black male: “Contradictions rattle, hurt my mind. (Be tough. Don’t’ be tough. Don’t be tough, get bullied. Be black, tough can get you killed)” (119).

Donte continues to grow more confident in his athletic abilities. Every Saturday, he and Trey practice with Coach, Zarra and Zion. He is touched by the support from his parents, who purchase equipment and supplies for the small team. He also feels a sense of family with his teammates. Most importantly, Coach teaches Donte the first rule of fencing, that he must “see everything” (96). Donte finds confidence in his ability to see, both in the courtroom and on the strip, and as he watches the practice bouts at Middlefield, he realizes that he can see the nuances of different matches. This makes him feel like he is becoming good at fencing; this also helps him to handle his anxiety because he can see all other situations more clearly. However, at this point in the novel, Donte is still more focused on defeating Alan than the enjoyment of fencing in itself. While he has grown, his character arc is not complete.

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