
64 pages 2 hours read

Markus Zusak

Bridge of Clay

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part 8, Chapters 89-100 and EpilogueChapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 8: “cities + waters + criminals + arches + stories + survivors + bridges + fire”

Part 8, Chapter 89 Summary: “joker in the hallway”

The day after Penelope announced her impending death, her sons are in various states of disbelief and distress. Penelope exits the bedroom and makes a joke about dying, leading the boys to cry and embrace her.

Part 8, Chapter 90 Summary: “the silver mule”

Clay goes to McAndrew, who drives him to Silver with Achilles in a trailer. McAndrew admires their progress on the bridge and chats with the Murderer (Michael) about Clay.

Part 8, Chapter 91 Summary: “before first light had hit the house”

Penelope plays word games with the medications she is given to help ease her suffering. She tries to keep up a positive attitude about the situation but experiences a swinging scale of wellness as treatments work and fail. She lives beyond the six months originally granted to her. When she comes home from another stint at the hospital, she spends time playing the piano.

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