
42 pages 1 hour read

Taylor Jenkins Reid

Daisy Jones & The Six

Taylor Jenkins ReidFiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 7-8Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “The Numbers Tour (1976–1977)”

The album SevenEightNine is released with enough success for The Six to continue performing. Daisy has returned to her life of partying, but now she is also sleeping with her manager, Hank. Although Daisy had intended to launch her music career free of the influence of men who sleep with her, “to be blunt, I was drunk or high a lot of the time back then and it’s a bit hazy. I don’t even think I was attracted to Hank or even liked him all that much” (100). One night, Daisy and Hank go to a music venue, where they see The Six perform. The band members notice Daisy’s presence and invite her onstage to sing “Honeycomb.”

While Daisy and Billy have not gotten along in person, everyone notices their intense chemistry. They still have differing views on how “Honeycomb” should be performed, but even so, “the way Billy would watch her as she sang…The way she’d watch him…It was intense” (101), says Karen. The connection between Daisy and Billy makes the song even better live, and the spectators know they’re watching something thrilling.