
87 pages 2 hours read

Margaret Atwood

Hag-Seed: William Shakespeare's The Tempest Retold

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2016

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Throughout most of the narrative, what does Felix seem to be pursuing through theater?

A) Understanding

B) Liberation

C) Fame

D) Control

2. Which Tempest character is Tony meant to evoke?

A) Antonio

B) Alonso

C) Caliban

D) Ferdinand

3. Which Hag-Seed character is The Tempest’s Ariel most similar to?

A) Tony

B) WonderBoy  

C) Felix

D) 8Handz

4. Which of the following most clearly supports the text’s thematic concern with the mind as a prison?

A) The drugging of the ministers

B) Felix’s hallucinations of Miranda

C) WonderBoy’s fixation on Anne-Marie

D) The epilogues the inmates imagine for their characters

5. Whose attitude most clearly supports the text’s thematic concern with the marginalization of imprisoned people?

A) Anne-Marie’s

B) Estelle’s

C) The ministers’

D) Freddie’s

6. Which most accurately describes Felix’s progress as a character by the novel’s end?

A) Although he has some success with letting go of the past, his essential nature is unchanged.

B) His failure to find satisfaction in revenge leaves him even more bitter and isolated.

C) He has become much more aware of the need to respect others’ essential humanity.

D) Although he learns to be a more forgiving and inclusive person, he is still haunted by Miranda’s death.

7. Which Tempest character is Sal meant to evoke?

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