
87 pages 2 hours read

Margaret Atwood

Hag-Seed: William Shakespeare's The Tempest Retold

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2016

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. D (Various chapters)

2. A (Various chapters)

3. D (Various chapters)

4. B (Various chapters)

5. C (Various chapters)

6. A (Various chapters)

7. B (Various chapters)

8. D (Various chapters)

9. A (Various chapters)

10. C (Various chapters)

11. B (Various chapters)

12. D (Various chapters)

13. A (Various chapters)

14. C (Various chapters)

15. C (Various chapters)

Long Answer

1. Felix does not want to admit that he, like Prospero, has created an artificial and unhealthy situation in order to keep his daughter close. However, Prospero’s daughter is alive, while Felix only imagines that his dead daughter is still with him. (Various chapters)

2. In return for 8Handz’s help in enacting his revenge, Felix promises an early release from prison. This is very similar to Prospero’s promise to Ariel to release him from servitude on the island in return for help with his own revenge. (Various chapters)

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