
104 pages 3 hours read

Harriet Jacobs

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 1861

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. A (Various chapters)

2. B (Various chapters)

3. C (Various chapters)

4. D (Various chapters)

5. C (Various chapters)

6. B (Chapter 28)

7. A (Various chapters)

8. A (Various chapters)

9. B (Various chapters)

10. A (Various chapters)

11. B (Various chapters)

12. D (Various chapters)

13. B (Various chapters)

14. D (Various chapters)

15. B (Various chapters)

Long Answer

1. Mrs. Flint is unfeeling toward those who are enslaved. She is motivated by the jealousy her husband’s desire for Jacobs provokes. She’s also motivated to pass the approval of other white women in the community. (Various chapters)

2. Harriet wants her children to have a better life. She equates personal freedom with education as many enslaved people are prohibited from learning. (Various chapters)

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