
104 pages 3 hours read

Harriet Jacobs

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 1861

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-5

Reading Check

1. Crackers (Chapter 1)

2. The Flints (Chapter 2)

3. New Year’s Day (Chapter 3)

Short Answer

1. Those enslaved by Dr. Flint are treated poorly. They are nearly starved, beaten, and forced to comply with his wishes. Dr. Flint also refuses to free Martha and repay the debt owed to her. (Chapter 2)

2. When Martha is to be auctioned off, the citizens are enraged with Dr. Flint because they respect her. Martha’s former enslaver’s sister purchases Martha and frees her. (Chapter 2)

3. Harriet, as she grows older, becomes vulnerable to the sexual advances of the enslavers. (Chapter 5)

Chapters 6-10

Reading Check

1. A carpenter (Chapter 7)

2. To Free States (Chapter 7)

3. Bloodhounds (Chapter 9)

4. Mr. Sands (Chapter 10)

Short Answer

1. She asked her great-aunt to sleep next to her in the bedroom. (Chapter 6)

2. They exaggerate the living conditions of emancipated persons, claiming their housing is deplorable and they are starving. (Chapter 8)

Chapters 11-15

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