76 pages 2 hours read

Thanhha Lai

Inside Out And Back Again

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2011

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Essay Topics


A novel in verse tells a story like a traditional novel, but the storytelling methods are quite different. In what ways is Inside Out & Back Again similar to a traditional novel in plot structure, pace, and literary devices? In what ways is it different?


Considering the details used to describe Hà’s home just before the family must leave it, what adjectives befit the mood evoked by the setting? What contrasting adjectives might describe the mood evoked by Hà’s views of the Alabama neighborhood out her basement window? Use supportive details from the text to explain your choices.


Mother tells the children they must make their study of English a top priority upon arriving in America, but she uses Vietnamese in encounters with others. Does the use of her native language weaken or strengthen Mother’s character as others see her? In your response, cite two to three scenes in which Mother’s plot role and indirect characterization involve her use of language.