76 pages 2 hours read

Thanhha Lai

Inside Out And Back Again

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2011

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Character Analysis

Kim Hà

Hà, the main character, celebrates her birthday in April 1975, shortly before the fall of Saigon. Hà is a spirited and lively girl who doesn’t like “being told [she] can’t do something because [she’s] a girl” (215). She likes good snacks and sweets and feels comfortably bright at school. She has a good friend, TiTi, until TiTi must flee Vietnam with her family.

Hà demonstrates occasional sneakiness, as when she keeps bits of grocery money for herself though the family needs it. She is also headstrong; readers see this when she places the first foot of the new year on the floor out of spite, knowing that role belongs to Brother Quang. Hà is also determined once she sets her sights on something she wants, such as being the first to see her papaya ripen. In fact, she intends to wake extra early and check the fruit daily so that she does not miss being the first to see the ripening. Her competitive streak also shows when the school closes early and she must give up the sweet potato plant as a prize for the math problem contest.

Hà is a loving and devoted daughter to Mother. Brother Khôi characterizes her as “Mother’s Tail,” as Hà is always near Mother.