76 pages 2 hours read

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Little House on the Prairie

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1932

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Chapters 11-14

Chapter 11 Summary: “Indians in the House”

Pa goes out to hunt one day and leaves Jack behind chained to the stable. He tells Laura and Mary not to unchain the dog. The girls feel sorry for Jack but do as they’re told. Later that day, still sitting outside with the dog, they see two Native American men come up to the house and go in. Ma and Carrie are inside the house. Laura and Mary are very frightened and wonder whether they should unchain Jack to defend them against the Native Americans. They ultimately decide not to and go running into the house to protect Ma themselves. They find her cooking cornbread for the two men, who have asked her for bread through pantomime. Laura and Mary stare at the Native Americans while the two men eat the bread and then leave. Ma says later that they also took all of Pa’s pipe tobacco. Laura notices the men’s unfamiliar way of dressing (each man wears only a loincloth of fresh skunk skins with weapons hanging from it), language, and mannerisms and is both fascinated and fearful.

Later, Pa comes home, and they all tell him the story.