
60 pages 2 hours read

Sharon Creech

Love That Dog

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2001

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Essay Topics


When Miss Stretchberry posts a yellow dog’s picture next to Jack’s poem, Jack says he likes it, but “that’s not how / my yellow dog / looked” (19). Adult poets often write about abstractions, but younger children—like Jack—tend to think more literally. Discuss to what extent Jack balances concrete images and figurative literary elements in his poetry, especially at various points throughout his character development.


Most people who write poetry recognize the gulf between amateur work and the great poets’ genius. What elements differentiate Jack’s amateur work from the class’s mentor texts?


Jack borrows many words and phrases from different poets. What draws the line between inspiration and plagiarism, especially as Jack matures and develops his own style?

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