
60 pages 2 hours read

Sharon Creech

Love That Dog

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2001

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Pages 75-86Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Pages 75-86 Summary

To Jack’s delight, Myers has a friend in the city and agrees to visit the school. Bursting with excitement, Jack writes about the preparations for his arrival. He also asks Miss Stretchberry to hide his Myers-inspired poem.

Myers enthralls Jack: “All of my blood / in my veins / was bubbling / and all of the thoughts / in my head / were buzzing / and / I wanted to keep / Mr. Walter Dean Myers / at our school / forever” (81). Jack writes a thank-you note complimenting Myers’s reading voice, his laugh, and his mention of being “flattered” if someone wrote a poem inspired by his own (84). Jack also includes the secret poem, titled “Love That Dog.”

Pages 75-86 Analysis

Jack’s syntax continues to reflect his youthful enthusiasm. As Jack develops his skills, he implements more literary devices such as repetition, exaggeration, and diction—each choice mirroring his innocence and growth alike. He repeats words like “wow,” “really,” and “best” upon learning of Myers’s visit. This repetition not only nudges readers to pay close attention but also showcases Jack’s state of mind in an exaggerated—but no less genuine—way.

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