
112 pages 3 hours read

Andy Weir

Project Hail Mary

Andy WeirFiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Chapters 17-20Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 17 Summary

Rocky and Grace arrive at the newly christened planet Adrian and quickly set to work planning an EVA to collect Astrophage samples.

In flashback, Grace tests vacuum-safe lab equipment at NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab at the Johnson Space Center, which is used to train astronauts in zero-g maneuvering. While the technicians make adjustments, Grace is sent to instruct DuBois and Shapiro about Astrophage. DuBois informs Grace that DuBois and Shapiro have begun a sexual relationship, to Grace’s embarrassment.

In orbit around Adrian, Rocky and Grace prepare to collect Astrophage samples. Rocky has built a scanner that can analyze light and convert it to texture so that he can “see” what Grace sees. Rocky sends Grace on an EVA to get the samples from the external collection unit so that they can begin testing. Outside the ship, Grace is struck by Adrian’s beauty and regrets not being able to remember a similar view of Earth.

Back in the lab, Grace learns that the Astrophage between Tau Ceti and Adrian are identical to the Astrophage between Earth’s sun and Venus. However, unlike on Venus, the Astrophage population is not increasing on Adrian. Grace finds many additional extraterrestrial life forms in the traces of Adrian’s blurred text
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