
98 pages 3 hours read

John Green

The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet

Nonfiction | Essay Collection | Adult | Published in 2021

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. What thematic motif do “Humanity’s Temporal Range,” “Staphylococcus Aureus,” and “Penguins of Madagascar” have in common?

A) The Power of Hope and Love

B) Building the World Together

C) The Pros and Cons of Guilty Pleasures

D) The Dangerous Uncertainties of Life

2. What thematic motif do “Halley’s Comet,” “Lascaux Cave Paintings,” and “The QWERTY Keyboard” have in common?

A) The Power of Hope and Love

B) Building the World Together

C) The Pros and Cons of Guilty Pleasures

D) The Dangerous Uncertainties of Life

3. Which of the following essays best conveys the thematic motif of The Power of Hope and Love?

A) “Air Conditioning”

B) “Piggly Wiggly”

C) “The Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest”

D) “‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’”

4. Which of the following essays best conveys the thematic motif of The Pros and Cons of Guilty Pleasures?

A) “Diet Dr. Pepper”

B) “Academic Decathlon”

C) “Sunsets”

D) “CNN”

5. Which of the following most accurately conveys Green’s attitude toward things like corporations, the internet, and air conditioning?

A) Apathetic

B) Amused

C) Ambivalent

D) Aggravated

6. What aspect of sports and games is a common element in “Bonneville Salt Flats,” “Super Mario Kart,” “Monopoly,” and “The Indianapolis 500?”

A) The influence of setting on outcome

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