58 pages 1 hour read

Sonja Lyubomirsky

The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2007

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Summary and Study Guide


The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want is a book written by Sonja Lyubomirsky, an eminent psychology professor and researcher. Published in 2007, this book has played a significant role in the fields of positive psychology and self-help literature. Drawing on her expertise in psychology, Lyubomirsky delves into the science of happiness and provides Evidence-Based Strategies for Well-Being. The book covers various essential themes, including personal agency in happiness, debunking common myths about happiness, and the complex interplay of external circumstances and internal states in determining one’s happiness.

Lyubomirsky’s significant role in the field of happiness research is widely recognized, with her work making valuable contributions to our understanding of well-being and personal fulfillment. The book is systematically structured, with each chapter exploring different aspects of happiness, presenting readers with a well-rounded approach to enhancing their overall well-being.

This study guide refers to the 2008 Penguin Press New York version of the book.


The theme of Debunking Happiness Myths emerges immediately, with the book’s Foreword emphasizing that external circumstances have less influence on happiness than internal factors and personal choices. Lyubomirsky introduces the concept of the “40 percent solution,” highlighting that 40% of our happiness is within our control, introducing the book’s theme of The Interplay of External Circumstances and Internal States in Determining Happiness. The rest of the book consists of three parts.

In Part 1, which consists of three chapters, Lyubomirsky uses Chapter 1 to lay the groundwork for understanding happiness. In Chapter 2, she explores what people commonly believe will make them happy and contrasts those beliefs with scientific findings on what truly determines happiness. She introduces the concept of the “happiness set point,” which suggests that each person has a baseline level of happiness or well-being that they tend to return to after positive or negative life experiences.

The heart of the book lies in Part 2, where Lyubomirsky spends six chapters presenting 12 distinct activities that can increase happiness. Each chapter in this section is dedicated to one or more of these activities, providing practical guidance on how to implement them in daily life. These activities are based on scientific research and cater to different personalities and circumstances and represent her dedication to offering Evidence-Based Strategies for Well-Being.

For example, in Chapter 4, the first chapter in Part 2, Lyubomirsky explores the benefits of expressing gratitude regularly and offers tips on how to cultivate this practice. She also talks about the power of optimism and provides strategies for fostering a more positive outlook on life. Moreover, Lyubomirsky addresses common pitfalls that can hinder happiness, such as overthinking and constantly comparing oneself to others. She offers strategies to overcome these obstacles.

In Chapter 5, Lyubomirsky discusses two important happiness activities. First, she elucidates the scientific basis for how small acts of kindness toward others have been demonstrated to enhance happiness. Second, she underscores the crucial role of social connections in happiness by citing studies that have found that these connections assist individuals in increasing their happiness and dealing with life’s challenges.

In Chapter 6, the author explores effective coping strategies for dealing with life’s challenges, such as building resilience and emotional strength. She also discusses the benefits of forgiveness and provides guidance on how to achieve it. In Chapter 7, Lyubomirsky focuses on the concept of “flow,” a state of mind in which individuals become fully absorbed in enjoyable activities. Lyubomirsky explains how to create more flow experiences in life. She also explores different ways to savor life’s joys and increase overall happiness.

In Chapter 8, the author focuses on the theme of staying committed to your goals. She elaborates on six significant benefits of actively pursuing your goals and offers valuable recommendations for effective goal pursuit. This chapter serves as a guide for readers on how to harness the power of goal-setting to enhance their overall happiness and life satisfaction, highlighting the importance of Personal Agency in Happiness.

In Chapter 9, Lyubomirsky explores two essential happiness activities. First, she delves into the practice of religion and spirituality as a means of boosting happiness. She discusses how these aspects of life can contribute to a sense of well-being by referring to scientific evidence. Second, the chapter highlights the significance of physical and mental self-care through meditation, physical activity, and adopting the behaviors of a happy person. This chapter provides readers with actionable insights into nurturing their physical and spiritual well-being, which may ultimately contribute to a happier and more fulfilling life.

In Part 3, Lyubomirsky digs deep into the secrets of abiding happiness and provides readers with a deeper understanding of what sustains well-being. The cornerstone of this section is Chapter 10, titled “The Five Hows Behind Sustainable Happiness.” In this chapter, Lyubomirsky uncovers the five crucial “hows” that are instrumental in maintaining and nurturing happiness over the long term. Chapter 10 acts as a bridge between the practical happiness-enhancing activities discussed in Part 2 and the scientific explanations of why these activities work. By elucidating the five critical elements of abiding happiness, Lyubomirsky equips readers with a comprehensive framework for not only achieving happiness but also ensuring that it endures.

In the Postscript, “If You Are Depressed,” Lyubomirsky offers guidance, insights, and practical advice for individuals dealing with depression, recognizing that depression is a significant barrier to happiness and well-being. This section serves as an informed resource for those who may find themselves in the grips of depression. Lyubomirsky emphasizes the importance of understanding depression as a distinct condition and offers valuable perspectives on the relationship between depression and happiness. Throughout the Postscript, Lyubomirsky underscores that while the book primarily focuses on strategies for increasing happiness, it is essential to acknowledge that individuals experiencing depression may face unique challenges. She encourages readers dealing with depression to seek professional help and emphasizes the importance of tailored, evidence-based treatments.