
85 pages 2 hours read

Moises Kaufman

The Laramie Project

Moises KaufmanFiction | Play | Adult | Published in 2001

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Act III, Moments 10-12Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Act III, Moments 10-12 Summary

Describing the “Aftermath” of Aaron McKinney’s trial, Reggie Fluty tells us that people were moved to tears, and expresses a hope that the people of Laramie “can quit being stuck” (85). DeBree notes that the case, which has occupied all his time for a year, has come to an end. Aaron Kreifels believes he now knows why God wanted him to discover Matthew tied to that fence: so “that he didn’t have to die out there alone” (86). Matt Galloway is glad the trial is over. He found testifying difficult, as it involved “funneling” (86) answers to the jurors in a particular way, rather than just tell your story.

In “Epilogue,” company member Andy Paris tells us that, on their last trip to Laramie, they watched Jedadiah Schultz perform in Angels in America and spoke to him afterwards. He reveals that he resisted becoming personally involved with the Matthew Shepard case for a long time. He now regrets what he said in earlier interviews about homosexuality and doesn’t understand how he could have “let that stuff make me think that you were different from me” (86).

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