
46 pages 1 hour read

Mark Twain

The Mysterious Stranger

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1916

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Chapters 7-8Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary

Marget hosts a party since she is no longer shunned. Satan arrives, drawing attention from the townspeople, who whisper about the handsome stranger living in Eseldorf. The astrologer, who attended uninvited, is determined to prove the presence of witchcraft. After knocking over a bottle of wine, he tests his theory by pouring it into a bowl. The astrologer is able to fill the entire bowl while the bottle remains full. As guests panic, and Father Adolf blesses the house, Satan possesses the astrologer. The frightened guests flee the party.

The tumult draws the rest of the villagers out of their houses, where they see the astrologer wreaking havoc in the middle of town. They fear God abandoned Eseldorf and consider what may happen if news of the astrologer’s possession spreads. The villagers spend hours discussing how to purify their town but cannot agree on strategies. As the conversation ends, Theodor returns to Marget’s house to check on her. She is distraught, believing her house to be cursed.

Later that night, Satan wakes Theodor and asks where he would like to travel. They arrive on a mountaintop in China. Theodor confronts Satan about his behavior and warns him to consider the consequences of his actions.

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