
121 pages 4 hours read

Louise Erdrich

The Night Watchman

Louise ErdrichFiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Chapters 64-74Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 64 Summary: “Two Months”

The chapter switches perspectives, moving from character to character.

It begins with Thomas, who notes that the hearing in Washington will take place during the first week of March, in about two months.

Then, the focus shifts to Millie, who is writing down everything she saw at the funeral.

Barnes listens to a turntable his uncle gave him for Christmas and feeling torn between Patrice, Valentine, and Doris.

Juggie thinks about Wood Mountain. She’s noticed how his face looks different since his fight with Joe. She thinks that it wasn’t a good idea for him to make the cradle board for the baby.

Betty Pye’s scene focuses on having sex with her boyfriend Norbert in his car. Then, she sees someone in the window, but she isn’t sure who and doesn’t tell Norbert.

Louis is surprised when Millie wants to ride a horse over to Zhaanat’s house, but he rides over with her and then continues to collect more signatures.

Thomas, feeling the weight of the hearing, is distracted. He is terrified of what will happen if the tribe is terminated.

Patrice has an eye infection and is worried that, if she can’t see well, she could lose her job.

The next heading is “Words,” in which the narration notes how the Chippewa word for condom is also the same for shooting off a gun.

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