
33 pages 1 hour read

Kwame Alexander

The Undefeated

Fiction | Poem | Adult | Published in 2019

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“The Undefeated”

  • Originally Published: 2019
  • Form/Meter: Free verse
  • Literary Devices: Repetition, historical allusions, ode
  • Central Concern: This poem in the format of a picture book celebrates the perseverance and strength of African Americans throughout history.

Kwame Alexander, writer and activist

  • Bio: Born in 1968 in New York City; a writer and social activist; author of several poems and YA novels; has been lauded for his community activism and work in educational equity projects including the Literacy Empowerment Action Project in Ghana
  • Other Works:  The Crossover: A Novel (2015); Solo (2017); Swing (2018)


  • Empowerment Through Strength
  • The Various Truths of History
  • Poetry as History
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