57 pages 1 hour read

Daniel Kahneman

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2011

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Essay Topics


At different points in the book, Kahneman discusses the following pairs of concepts: System 1 and System 2, Econs and Humans, Experiencing Self and Remembering Self. Briefly explain how each pair is relevant to understanding the psychology of human decision-making. Then, discuss how these three pairs of concepts are, or are not, related to each other.


In the Introduction and Conclusions, as well as occasionally in between, Kahneman analogizes his work to that of physicians. Briefly explain the analogy and provide at least one reason why you think Kahneman believed it important to make this point in such prominent places in the book. Then, evaluate whether the analogy is valid and what it may add or detract from the public’s understanding of the value of the work performed by Kahneman and others in his field.


When Kahneman uses phrases like “intuitive judgments” or “intuitive decisions,” what is he referring to? How does that meaning correspond with, or differ from, your preexisting sense of what “intuition” means? How, if at all, did Kahneman’s discussion of these concepts affect your understand of human intuition?