55 pages 1 hour read

John le Carré

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1974

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Character Analysis

George Smiley

George Smiley is the protagonist in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. On the outside, he appears to be a harmless and somewhat pitiful old man who has been forced into retirement and who is embarrassed by his estranged wife. Smiley is bored by his retirement and spends his days inventing ways to occupy his time while avoiding people he does not want to see. His wife has once again left him for another man and everyone in his social circle seems to know this. But beneath this seemingly sad exterior, Smiley’s mind never sleeps. Even in retirement, he cannot leave behind his past as a spy. His shambling, overweight form passes innocently through the streets of London, but he is watching every detail and carefully cataloging the world for later review. Smiley’s attentive mind and constant use of spy tricks in retirement show how those at the Circus can never truly leave their lives behind.

According to the Russian spymaster Karla, Smiley’s one weakness is Ann. He is so devoted to her—even though she frequently betrays him—that he allows his judgement in regard to Ann to be a weakness. Smiley is aware of the rumors that constantly circulate about Ann in his social circles.