70 pages 2 hours read

Mark Dunn

Ella Minnow Pea

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2001

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Character Analysis


Ella plays a pivotal role in the novel. She may be seen as the “main” character. However, many characters outshine her for most of the novel. Namely, Tassie appears to be a more important character through much of the plot. Ella is young and growing into her own person. Being the namesake of the novel is not a coincidence. In many ways, the novel culminates in highlighting Ella as a hero, though she does not consider herself to be one. Much like the island is Nollop’s namesake, and he is the symbol of the island, Ella becomes the pivotal and key figure of the novel. She finds herself as an individual in a shrinking society, yet she triumphs by connecting to what is most important: her family.


Tassie becomes a physical embodiment of rebellion. Initially, she is the voice of reason, foreseeing the potential complications surrounding the Council’s decision. She understands the illusion of power the Council members are swept up in. However, love and loss of communication drive her to make the ultimate rebellious move: threatening the Council and their power. Finally, she is truly imprisoned, not just in her head, but in a literal prison cell.