
58 pages 1 hour read

Jenny Han

Always and Forever, Lara Jean

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Chapters 5-8Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary

On characters day, Lara Jean forgoes her dream of Colonial costumes in favor of Tyler Durden and Marla Singer from Fight Club. Lara Jean usually has an “only-Asian-people-costumes policy” (72) but has foregone this at Chris’s suggestion, with Trina providing the costume with clothes from her own wardrobe. Peter arrives at her house with sprayed blonde hair, which he concedes he can use again as Romeo with Lara Jean on Halloween at UVA. Peter makes sure everyone at school knows who they are by playing a song from the film on his phone.

After school, Peter comes over to hang out with Lara Jean and comments on her socks, which are presents from her great-aunt in Korea. They banter about the size of Peter’s feet; he would never fit into such cute socks. They laugh and have a tickle fight, which Kitty walks in on and pretends to hate. Peter has to go home for dinner, but Lara Jean promises to make something special for Kitty and her father if Kitty will braid her hair in the morning, before they leave for the New York trip. Peter asks Kitty to teach him how to braid Lara Jean’s hair for college; he records her French braiding her older sister’s hair, but has trouble replicating it himself.

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