
74 pages 2 hours read

George Eliot

Daniel Deronda

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1876

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Authorial Context: George Eliot and Daniel Deronda

George Eliot, the pen name of Mary Ann Evans, was a prominent English novelist and one of the leading authors of the Victorian era. Born in 1819, she lived through a period of great social and intellectual change. Her later years were marked by literary success, personal challenges, and an exploration of her philosophical and moral beliefs through her final novel, Daniel Deronda. George Eliot achieved literary fame with works such as Adam Bede, The Mill on the Floss, and Middlemarch. Her writing style was characterized by psychological insight into her characters and an attempt to understand human nature. Despite facing criticism and prejudice due to her unconventional relationship with long-time partner George Henry Lewes, a philosopher and critic, Eliot remained steadfast in her pursuit of intellectual growth and literary excellence.

As Eliot entered her later years, she continued to work on her writing while grappling with health conditions and the loss of Lewes, who passed away in 1878. The grief from this loss was profound, and she found solace in her writing, which helped her cope with her emotions. During this period, Eliot embarked on her final literary venture, Daniel Deronda, published in 1876. This novel stands apart from her earlier works in that it delves into themes of Jewish identity and Zionism.

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